CARR Productions
Formerly Veritas Productions
...stories about ordinary people in ordinary situations seeking an extraordinary truth...

Zack Carr
Man of La Mancha meets Coco Chanel, Balenciaga, & Calvin Klein....
Cheers meets The Seventh Seal...
Jamie...another side of Dean
James Dean meets Eartha Kitt meets Dante's Divine Comedy...
A Body Without A Head
Roman gladiator Torpez meets LOST...
Silent Voice
Apollo and Venus meet New York City...
Leave It To Beaver meets Pee Wee Herman meets St. George, the Dragon Slayer...
Avis Pero
Deliverance meets The Deer Hunter meets Long Day's Journey Into Night...
Waiting for Godot meets 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Francis Bacon...
Empty Kisses
Sleeping Beauty meets Breakfast At Tiffany's meets American Beauty...
Studio 55
155 W.15th St. #1B
New York, NY 10011
Publicity: Lanie Zipoy, Avec Promotions
Legal: John V. N. Philip, Esq.